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UC – Password Spraying

Humans are notoriously known as the weakest link in cybersecurity. They make mistakes all the time and quite frankly they can be quite lazy. Lazy enough to re-use a password! 😲 If everyone at the office is being lazy with their passwords, they leave their corporate environment vulnerable to malicious attacks. Attackers love password reuse, because they can also be lazy, and it makes their job way easier.

If a corporate user has the same password for all of their accounts, both personal and professional, and even just one of the platforms they use that password for gets breached and passwords placed on the dark web, it could spell big trouble. There’s a possibility that attackers will always have your once-breached password to use for all future tests. Now multiply this risk by all employees in the organization setting their own password. 😱

We can test this by using a focused attack called “password spraying”. seclilc shows you what it’s all about!

Price = FREE!

What’s an Upskill Challenge (UC)?

A UC is a CTF-style, bite-sized lesson from the JHT Team, our courseware developers as well as “friends” of JHT. They are meant to be short and to the point. UCs focus on a single tool or concept and are helpful in quickly providing useful skills that might be prerequisites for other types of educational content on the platform.

A UC should be 10 – 30 minutes of student time and have no VMs. There are quizzes to make sure that the content is understood.

Prerequisites for UC – Password Spraying

UCs assume no knowledge at all! They’re meant to be completely self-contained, so all of the answers are in the lesson. No outside research is required.


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