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Level Up OSINT

Refine your open source intelligence gathering skills with Level Up OSINT (LUO), an intermediate-level course that builds on your foundational skills from Beginner Level OSINT. This is the 2nd of 3 courses in the...

WMD 2 – Adv Execution and Obfuscation TTPs

WMD 2 Available Now! WMD is not weapons of mass or malware destruction, but that doesn't mean that Windows Malware Development is a skill you should ignore... and it can do plenty of damage! Continue...

MADS Vol 3 – Kerberos Delegations and Relaying

Available Now! The Mastering Active Directory Security (MADS) Path will contain numerous practical, hands-on courses by expert and industry veteran, Slavi Parpulev (eLS, HTB, et al). MADS Vol 2 - Protocols and Permissions went beyond...

UC – Red Teaming

Well-known InfoSec personality and respected practitioner, Rob Fuller AKA mubix, offers a comprehensive introduction to Red Teaming, focusing on the practical, ethical, and strategic considerations that come with simulating real-world adversarial threats. You’ll learn...