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HAL – Data Recovery Basics

When in a working environment, what’s the best way for new employees to learn? By shadowing current employees. You will do even better than just shoulder surf on noted expert, Ali Hadi. You’ll get to learn right alongside him in Data Recovery Basics (ShadowMe #3). 😎

Like all HALs on Just Hacking Training (JHT), it starts with a publicly available YouTube video. Watch the video, and then it’s your turn! Participants will engage in comprehensive data recovery using 5 case studies based on real-world scenarios and tools designed specifically for this training.

The ShadowMe series of HALs focus on various skills needed in the area of forensics. The first 2 introduce malware analysis, while the next 2 focus data recovery. While this HAL, ShadowMe #3, provides a step-by-step walkthrough and solutions for recovering data with a specific focus on file recovery and analysis techniques, stay tuned for ShadowMe #4 on more data recovery methods.

Price = $50

What’s a Hack-Along (HAL)?

A HAL is a structured set of chapters and lessons with virtual labs that accompany a public YouTube video from John Hammond’s Channel or other content creators. So instead of just watching the dissection of an attack or learning a tool or skill, you get to “Hack-Along” with John and his friends! HALs are between 30 – 120 minutes of student time and are presented with click-by-click instructions with screenshots. So, you’re never lost!

HALs comprise 99% instructional content with a small shoutout to other offerings on the JHT Platform to further one’s knowledge beyond what was just learned. HALs should be in the $20 – $50 range depending on the length of the content and the complexity of the virtual environment. Most will be only $20. Some are even in a “Pay What You Can” model.

What do I get?

This HAL comes with a Windows VM with tools already installed. It is also configured to disable any detection mechanism on the system, so it will not interfere with the user (analyst). You will also be provided not only with a structured set of Chapters, each containing numerous detailed lessons, but you’ll also be given 4 hours of lab time.

Prerequisites for “HAL – Data Recovery Basics”

HALs come with step-by-step instructions, but being comfortable with virtual environments is a plus.

Because the entire web-based, virtual environment is provided for you, you need nothing other than a computer, Internet access and your brain!


The "Mishaal" Bundle Extended!

Due to numerous requests, you can continue getting EVERYTHING Mishaal offers on JHT for only $150. Details on the Level Up OSINT landing page.

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All 3 MADS for only $240 (20% Off)


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