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MADS Vol 3 – Kerberos Delegations and Relaying

Available Now!

The Mastering Active Directory Security (MADS) Path will contain numerous practical, hands-on courses by expert and industry veteran, Slavi Parpulev (eLS, HTB, et al). MADS Vol 2 – Protocols and Permissions went beyond the foundational topics taught in MADS Vol 1 to provide a deeper dive into protocols, permissions and associated attacks. Now in MADS Vol 3, we pick up right where we left Bob… escalated to Domain Administrator using BloodHound! Besides the Kerberoasting we did in MADS Vol 2, what other ways can we abuse Kerberos… Delegations?!?!

Since practically the entire Fortune 1000 uses Active Directory, knowing it and what attacks apply in these corporate enterprises is a must for any budding penetration tester. This first of many volumes will get your feet wet. Future volumes will keep getting more complex and difficult. But in the end, your journey into Slavi’s MADS world won’t end until, as he says himself, “We hack EVERYTHING!!!! 😈”

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Get all 3 MADS Volumes for only $240 (20% Off)

Price = $80 (20% Off Launch Discount) $100

MADS Vol 3 – Course Introduction

What do I get?

Along with extensive text and video content, this course contains quizzes along the way to test your knowledge. This course also comes with a pre-configured Active Directory (AD) environment including a Windows Workstations, a PKI server and a Domain Controller. All of your attacks will be done by the provided Kali Linux VM. All virtual machines are web-based!

Just Hacking Training (JHT) - MADS Vol 3 Lab
Just Hacking Training (JHT) – MADS Vol 3 Lab

Prerequisites for MADS Vol 3

This course assumes at least some familiarity with Active Directory as presented in MADS Vol 1 and that you took (or at least have the knowledge presented in) MADS Vol 2. Being comfortable with Windows, Linux, networking and virtual environments is a plus.

Because the entire virtual environment is provided for you, you need nothing other than a computer, Internet access and your brain!


It's Livestream Day!

Level Up OSINT Release Party today @ 5 PM ET
w/ John Hammond & Mishaal Khan!
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MADS Vol 3 Available Now!

Buy the new MADS Bundle!
All 3 MADS for only $240 (20% Off)


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